More value

bigger picture.

As Mobile Journey charts its course through the exciting and ever-evolving landscape of location-based services, our commitment to user connections, innovation, qualified network and  transparency. Our continuous learning remains steadfast.

+ Many more talents
Data first and beyond Check our solutions

Our core values

We make location-based advertising more effective and efficient. Our years of experience with platforms, makes us an ideal partner for location targeting. The combination of strategic thinking, creative powers and technical expertise, results to an optimal outcome for advertisers.

We highly value AI and we aim to integrate AI as much as possible. The integration of AI will increase in the upcoming years therefore we strive to focus on improving our AI integration , because we believe that without AI, we will not be able to achieve the best results for our clients in the future. With AI new heights can be achieved.

Client-Centric Approach

We prioritize understanding our clients’ unique needs and goals, building strong partnerships based on trust and delivering tailored solutions.

Data-Driven Decision Making

leverage data to drive effective marketing strategies and deliver measurable results. The integration of AI helps us (Mobile Journey) to optimize our processes what enables us to focus on the most important thing; ‘achieving the best results for our clients’.

Ethical Data Usage

We adhere to strict ethical standards, ensuring data privacy and security while respecting individuals’ rights and preferences

At the digital heart of The Netherlands.

Mobile Journey’s HQ is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and we operate 24/7 on (remote) basis.